Lullabies and Universality: An Ethnographic Review

Cross-Cultural Research Vol/Iss. 0(0) Sage Publications Published In Pages: 1-36
By Aubinet, Stéphane


When lullabies are defined narrowly as a culturally conserved repertoire of songs sung to soothe infants, they are a statistical universal (or at least a near universal) across all human cultures.


While a one-tailed binomial test using the narrow definition of "lullaby" resulted in a significant p-value for the entire dataset, this result did not hold when geographic variation was accounted for. For example, throughout Oceania, p = 0.15 when a stricter definition of "lullaby" was used, while in North America p = 0.11. Thus, the hypothesis is partially supported.


Test NameSupportSignificanceCoefficientTail
One-tailed Binomial TestPartially Supported*See noteUNKNOWNUNKNOWN


Variable NameVariable Type OCM Term(s)
Presence of lullabiesDependentMusic, Infant Care