
Associated Documents (5)

Associated Hypotheses (15)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Otterbein, Keith F.". . . societies with fraternal interest groups are more likely to have feuding than societies without fraternal interest groups" (1473)
Otterbein, Keith F.". . . societies with fraternal interest groups are more likely to have feuding than societies without fraternal interest groups" (1473-1474)
Otterbein, Keith F.". . . the higher the level of political complexity the less frequently feuding is found" (1476)
Otterbein, Keith F."If political complexity has any influence on feuding, there should be a higher correlation between presence of fraternal interest groups and feuding in societies with a low level of political integration than in societies [with] a high level of political integration" (1476)
Otterbein, Keith F.". . . societies which frequently engage in war with their neighbors are less likely to have feuding than societies which have peaceful external relations" (1477)
Otterbein, Keith F."It is only in societies with a high level of political integration that there are officials who have the power to intervene [to prevent feuding when the society is threatened by war]" (1478)
Otterbein, Keith F.Feuding will be positively associated with frequency of rape (430).
Kang, Gay Elizabeth". . . societies with clan exogamy will have a low frequency of feuding" (204)
Kang, Gay Elizabeth". . . societies with cousin marriage will have a low frequency of feuding" (206)
Kang, Gay Elizabeth". . . societies with local group exogamy will have a low frequency of feuding" (206)
Kang, Gay Elizabeth". . . societies with the high number of conflicting loyalties traits will have a low frequency of feuding" (206)
Leavitt, Gregory C.The development of technology will be positively associatedwith increasing frequencies of external war, civil war, and riots (but feuding war will decrease as technology develops in society) (53)
Leavitt, Gregory C.The increasing frequency of differentiation in societies will be positively associated with an increase in external war, civil war, and riots (feuding will decrease in frequency as societies become increasingly differentiated) (54)
Divale, William Tulio"Uxorilocal or matrilocal residence should be correlated with an absence of feuding within the local community while avunculocal or patrilocal residence should be correlated with frequent feuding" (298)
Divale, William Tulio"External warfare should be correlated with an absence or only infrequent occurrence of feuding while internal warfare should be correlated with frequent feuding"

Associated OCMs

  1. ingroup antagonisms