
Associated Documents (2)

Main AuthorPublished YearTitle
Gray, J. PatrickParental certainty, subsistence and inheritance revisited
Textor, Robert B.A Cross-Cultural Summary: Hunter-Gatherers

Associated Hypotheses (10)

Main AuthorHypothesis
Gray, J. PatrickAgricultural subsistence will be positively associated with inheritance to the wife's children; Hunter-gather subsistence will be positively associated with inheritance to individuals other than the wife's children (279)
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers tend to have non-fixed settlements (51, 44).
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers tend to live in communities without a city or town and with less than 200 people (51, 81).
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers tend to have lower social complexity (51,91).
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers tend to have national jurisdiction without any levels of hierarchy (51, 96).
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers tend not to have social stratification (51, 102).
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers tend to rely on non-monetary economic exchange (51, 132).
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers tend not to believe in a high god (51, 426).
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers, if they have class stratification, tend to base it on wealth (51, 106).
Textor, Robert B.Hunter-gatherers tend not to be exclusively patrilineal (51, 186).

Associated OCMs

  1. annual cycle
  2. collecting
  3. hunting and trapping
  4. fishing
  5. diet