Incest Taboo ExtensionAssociated Documents (1)Main AuthorPublished YearTitleDocument TypeNumber of HypothesesMurdock, George Peter1949Social structureBook41More CiteRelated DocumentsMore By AuthorAssociated Hypotheses (2)Main AuthorPublished YearHypothesisSupportedVariables Tested Murdock, George Peter1949". . . matrilineal extension [of incest taboos] is strongly associated with the presence of matrilineal kin groups, patrilineal extension with patrilineal kin groups, and extension in both directions with the presence of double descent" (307)Supported2More CiteRelated HypothesesMore By AuthorMurdock, George Peter1949". . . bilateral extension [of incest taboos] is associated with the presence of kindreds, and non-extension with the absence or unreported presence of all consanguineal kin groups . . ." (308)UNKNOWN2More CiteRelated HypothesesMore By AuthorAssociated OCMskinship regulation of sex