Witchcraft beliefs and the erosion of social capital: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa and Beyond

Journal of Development Economics Vol/Iss. 120 Elsevier Amsterdam Published In Pages: 182-208
By Gershman, Boris


Witchcraft beliefs will be positively associated with the inculcation of traits associated with toughness (aggressiveness, fortitude, and competitiveness) among children


Test NameSupportSignificanceCoefficientTail
OLSSupportedp<0.05Multiple r valuesUNKNOWN


Variable NameVariable Type OCM Term(s)
Witchcraft BeliefIndependent variableSorcery
Inculcation of CompetitivenessDependent variableIndependence Training
Inculcation of AggressivenessDependent variableAggression Training
Inculcation of fortitudeDependent variableSocialization